Today: June 21, 2024
June 21, 2024
1 min read

Revolutionizing Private Markets: Arch’s Game-Changing Infrastructure for Investors


  • A new private markets infrastructure called Arch is set to transform the GP/LP experience.
  • The platform aims to solve investor onboarding administrative issues in the private markets.

In a recent article by Susan Barreto, it was revealed that a new private markets infrastructure called Arch is poised to revolutionize the GP/LP experience. The platform was born out of a small team’s exploration of ways to address investor onboarding administrative issues in the private markets, focusing on security, efficiency, and standardization of putting assets to work with managers. Now, with over 230 clients onboard, Arch is beginning to see the results of their efforts as demand for alternatives increases on platforms catered to the needs of investors.

The platform has gained traction as investors look for a more streamlined and secure way to manage their assets in the private markets. Arch offers a solution to the complexities and challenges that often come with investing in this space, aiming to provide a more efficient and standardized experience for both GPs and LPs. This innovation marks a significant step forward in the private markets landscape, offering a promising future for those looking to navigate the complexities of alternative investments.

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