Today: June 9, 2024
January 30, 2024
1 min read

Quantum Investment: Breaking Free from the Sluggish Market

A new report from OpenOcean-IQM-Lakestar reveals that investment in quantum technology is defying the overall global slowdown in technology investment. The report found that while venture capital (VC) investment in quantum startups declined by 50% from 2022 to 2023, government funding through national quantum programs exceeded VC investment. More than 30 governments have committed to over $40 billion in public funding for quantum technologies. Despite the decline in VC investment, organizations are prioritizing quantum readiness and developing internal quantum expertise. However, investors are cautioned not to prioritize AI over quantum, as both technologies offer mutual benefit. While quantum advantage may still be years away, over 300 organizations are exploring use cases and building quantum readiness.

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