Today: June 25, 2024
June 25, 2024
1 min read

Zendesk’s AI Venture Fund


Zendesk has launched a venture fund to support AI startups focused on enhancing customer and employee experiences. The fund has already invested in PolyAI and unitQ, two companies specializing in AI solutions. This initiative aims to drive growth and innovation in the customer service industry.

Zendesk Ventures is funding AI-first companies to enhance customer and employee experiences by providing capital, expertise, and strategic partnerships for growth and innovation.

Zendesk has made new investments in PolyAI and unitQ, two companies focused on AI-powered CX and operational efficiency.

PolyAI provides voice-focused solutions for natural human conversations, while unitQ offers an AI-powered product quality platform to improve Net Promoter Scores.

Zendesk Ventures aims to support an ecosystem of startups whose visions align with the company’s AI-driven customer service goals.

The fund offers access to CX and AI experts, strategic partnership opportunities, and the chance to be featured on Zendesk Marketplace.

For more information on Zendesk Ventures and partnership opportunities, visit the official website.

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