Today: June 18, 2024
June 18, 2024
1 min read

Toronto DMZ Ventures Launches Early-Stage Fund for Startups


  • Toronto Metropolitan University’s DMZ Ventures has launched an early-stage fund
  • The fund will make up to 10 investments per year, ranging from C$100,000 to C$250,000

Toronto Metropolitan University’s DMZ Ventures has announced the rollout of an early-stage fund that aims to make up to 10 investments annually. The investments will range from C$100,000 to C$250,000, providing crucial funding for early-stage startups in Canada. This initiative signals the university’s commitment to fostering entrepreneurship and innovation in the region.

The fund, led by DMZ Ventures, will support promising startups in their early stages by providing the necessary capital and resources for growth. This move is expected to accelerate the development of innovative ideas and technologies in various sectors, ultimately contributing to economic growth and job creation in Toronto and beyond.

By focusing on early-stage investments, Toronto Metropolitan University’s DMZ Ventures is positioning itself as a key player in the startup ecosystem, supporting entrepreneurs and innovators in bringing their ideas to life. This strategic move is likely to have a significant impact on the Canadian startup landscape, fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.

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