Today: June 19, 2024
June 19, 2024
1 min read

Soul Ventures expands reach with new office in Japan


  • Soul Ventures announces strategic expansion into Japan with new office.
  • Soul Ventures Japan will invest in leading Japanese companies and offer opportunities to portfolio companies like Anthropic, Cohere, SpaceX, Neuralink, and Reddit.

Soul Ventures, a global venture capital firm, has announced the establishment of Soul Ventures Japan, marking its expansion into the Japanese market. The firm aims to invest in leading Japanese companies and offer opportunities to its prominent portfolio companies. Warren Hui, founding partner at Soul Ventures, expressed excitement about investing in Japan’s tech landscape and unlocking the region’s growth potential.

Makio Inui, a seasoned venture capital and finance expert, will lead Soul Ventures Japan. With over 30 years of experience in the TMT sectors, Inui aims to facilitate the flow of global innovation into Japan and introduce Japanese advancements to the world stage. He highlighted the unique position of Soul Ventures in unlocking the full potential of the Japanese market.

Founded in 2021, Soul Ventures focuses on early to growth-stage investments in sectors poised for transformative change. The firm partners with disruptive technology companies and invests from Series C to pre-IPO. The expansion into Japan signifies Soul Ventures’ commitment to global investment and innovation.

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