The NYC Health Care Innovation Ecosystem: A Growth Partnering and Deal-Making Hub
A recent event organized by the Columbia Business School Alumni Club of NY, in collaboration with Endeavor Venture Funds and hosted by Foley & Lardner, focused on fostering collaboration, connecting stakeholders, and driving investments in healthcare technology and solutions. The evening program included networking sessions, a panel discussion with thought leaders, and breakout sessions with emerging companies. The event aimed to explore how to supercharge the intersection of emerging AI companies into healthcare investment and dealmaking.
Key Points:
- The event was organized to foster collaboration, connect stakeholders, and drive investments in healthcare technology and solutions.
- The evening program included networking sessions, a panel discussion, and breakout sessions with emerging companies.
- The focus was on how to supercharge the intersection of emerging AI companies into healthcare investment and dealmaking.
The event agenda included a welcome and opening statement from Foley & Lardner, followed by a panel discussion featuring thought leaders from Endeavor Venture Funds, NIH SEED, Sanofi, NYC Health and Hospitals, and Vocxi. The panelists discussed various topics, including the role of AI in healthcare investment and dealmaking.
The event also featured special guests from JP Morgan, Pfizer, Astellas, the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC), SUNY Downstate Medical Center, MassChallenge, and Pepper Bio. Additionally, emerging digital healthcare companies from Techstars, Merck Digital Sciences Studio, MassChallenge, and PlugNPlay were present.
The event provided a valuable networking opportunity for attendees, including Fortune 500 companies in biopharma, biotech, healthtech, diagnostics, big tech, cloud providers, venture capital and angel investors, and founders from emerging companies in healthcare and life sciences.
Overall, the event showcased the NYC Health Care Innovation Ecosystem as a growth partnering and deal-making hub. It highlighted the importance of collaboration, investment, and technological advancements in driving innovation and improving healthcare outcomes.