Today: June 16, 2024
June 9, 2024
1 min read

Leading the Way: How Family Offices Are De-Risking Investments

Article Summary


  • Family offices have the potential to de-risk investments and drive societal change.
  • An integrated, thesis-based approach and hands-on research can guide family offices in impactful investments.

Family offices are highlighted as key players in de-risking investments and leading the charge towards addressing global challenges such as the climate crisis. Traditional venture capital firms often avoid high-risk, long-term projects, creating a gap that family offices can fill. Albert Wenger of Union Square Ventures emphasizes the importance of family offices taking on risks that institutional investors shy away from, particularly in areas like fusion energy and geo-engineering research.

A blended finance approach, combining venture capital, philanthropic efforts, and direct investments, is recommended for family offices to address complex challenges comprehensively. Developing a solid investment thesis is crucial in guiding investment decisions and ensuring alignment with long-term goals. Family offices are encouraged to take a hands-on approach, conducting thorough research and identifying the right projects to support.

By leveraging their unique position, family offices can drive meaningful change, secure a sustainable future, and make significant contributions to global issues. Family offices have the flexibility to take on risks that other investors cannot, employ holistic financing strategies, and develop robust investment theses to maximize impact. Ultimately, family offices have the potential to lead the way in impact investing and create positive change on a global scale.

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