Today: September 13, 2024
September 13, 2024
1 min read

Is MrBeast heading towards becoming the next BuzzFeed?


  • MrBeast built a massive audience on social media through studying trends.
  • A VC investor sees similarities between MrBeast and BuzzFeed’s rise to prominence.

In a recent interview with Business Insider, Sam Lessin, a VC investor, drew parallels between MrBeast’s rapid growth on social media and the rise of BuzzFeed. Both platforms mastered social-media algorithms to quickly build broad audiences, but Lessin believes MrBeast may run into similar business hurdles that have plagued BuzzFeed.

Both MrBeast and early BuzzFeed relied on viral, general-interest content to reach large audiences, which can be challenging to monetize in the long term. Lessin emphasized the importance of creators specializing in a specific content vertical to attract dedicated fans and generate meaningful revenue from outside products or services. MrBeast has already begun exploring ventures outside of YouTube, such as his burger brand and chocolate company, echoing the model that Slow Ventures is targeting in its creator-equity investment program.

While MrBeast’s success on YouTube is undeniable, lessons from BuzzFeed’s decline serve as a cautionary tale. As the media landscape continues to evolve, staying on top in the competitive creator economy will require strategic pivots and diversification of revenue streams. MrBeast’s team would be wise to consider the trajectory of media companies like BuzzFeed and adapt accordingly, according to Lessin.

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