Today: June 24, 2024
June 9, 2024
1 min read

Fearless Fund fights for Striver’s Grant despite legal hurdles


Key Points:

  • Fearless Fund facing legal challenges for the Striver’s Grant program
  • Court upholds injunction citing racial discrimination concerns

In a recent development, Fearless Fund, a venture capital firm supporting Black women entrepreneurs, is facing legal challenges for its Striver’s Grant program. The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an injunction citing concerns of racial discrimination, leading to a temporary suspension of the program. The lawsuit by the American Alliance for Equal Rights argues that Fearless Fund’s exclusive support for Black businesswomen violates the Civil Rights Act of 1866, originally crafted to ensure economic freedom and equality for newly freed enslaved people.

Co-founder Arian Simone expressed concerns during a televised interview, emphasizing the need for support from political leaders for diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Despite the legal challenges, Fearless Fund remains committed to its mission of supporting Black women in the venture capital sector. The firm’s legal team is exploring avenues to overturn the injunction and continue their work towards equity and inclusion in the business world.

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