Today: June 21, 2024
June 21, 2024
1 min read

Climate VC secures €90m funding boost in a flash


  • French GP Wind has raised €90m to invest in deeptech start-ups at seed or Series A stage.
  • They are seeking a total of €130m for this fund.

In a recent development, French venture capital firm Wind has successfully raised €90m to invest in deeptech start-ups at the seed or Series A stage. The firm, founded by ex-Mizuho executives, is seeking a total of €130m for this fund.

The fund focuses on investing in companies in the deeptech sector, which includes industries such as AI, material science, biotech, and more. Wind aims to support innovative start-ups that have the potential to create a significant impact in their respective industries.

With the rise of impact investing in the venture capital space, Wind’s focus on deeptech start-ups aligns with the growing interest in companies that are driving positive change through technological innovation. By targeting companies at an early stage, Wind aims to provide crucial support and funding to help these start-ups scale and make a substantial impact in the market.

Overall, Wind’s successful fundraising efforts indicate a strong investor interest in deeptech start-ups and the potential for significant returns in this sector. As the fund continues to deploy capital into promising companies, it is poised to play a vital role in driving innovation and positive change in the deeptech industry.

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