Today: June 22, 2024
June 22, 2024
1 min read

Boosting Real Estate and Nutrition Tech Startups with $135M Investment


  • V3V Ventures invests $1.35 million in Directly.xyz and Eatr.com to advance blockchain in real estate and AI in nutritional planning.
  • Directly.xyz aims to improve efficiency and transparency in the real estate market through blockchain technology.

V3V Ventures, a Singapore-based venture capital firm, has allocated $1.35 million to enhance real estate and nutrition tech startups with blockchain innovations. The firm has invested $1 million in Directly.xyz, a real estate agency based in Dubai, and $350,000 in Eatr.com, an AI-powered nutrition and diet planning application.

Directly.xyz is focused on integrating blockchain technology within the real estate sector in Dubai to improve efficiency and transparency. The company offers competitive pricing and rewarding investment opportunities, setting it apart in the industry. CEO Ilya Govyadko mentioned that the investment from V3V Ventures will accelerate their growth and help them offer unique solutions in the real estate market.

Eatr.com utilizes artificial intelligence to provide personalized meal plans, recipes, and nutrition insights tailored to individual dietary preferences and health objectives. The app caters to various dietary requirements, making healthy eating more accessible for users worldwide. V3V Ventures sees great potential in AI-powered mobile applications, particularly in fundamental areas like nutrition and dietetics.

As the demand for personalized nutrition apps increases with a growing focus on health and well-being, apps like Eatr.com are positioned for substantial growth. V3V Ventures aims to support innovative companies like Directly.xyz and Eatr.com in revolutionizing their respective industries through advanced technology.

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