Today: June 18, 2024
June 18, 2024
1 min read

Bing Ventures Boosts TON Ecosystem


  • Bing Ventures announces comprehensive support for The Open Network (TON) ecosystem.
  • This support includes investment, resource sharing, project advisories, and more.

In a recent press release, Bing Ventures, a venture capital firm, has pledged its support for The Open Network (TON) ecosystem. TON is a Layer 1 network initially designed by Telegram and carried on by the open-source community. Bing Ventures plans to invest in innovative teams and projects leveraging TON’s advantages to bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3. With a focus on research and data analytics, the firm will also offer mentorship, training, and project advisories to TON accelerator programs.

Additionally, Bing Ventures will host educational events globally to support founders and entrepreneurs within the TON ecosystem and the wider crypto community. The firm’s crypto exchange, BingX, will support TON ecosystem projects through token listing, liquidity provision, and awareness campaigns. Bing Ventures joins other institutional investors in backing TON, which has seen significant growth in Total Value Locked in recent months.

Bing Ventures, founded in 2021, aims to support blockchain and crypto ventures driving innovation. The firm has a diverse portfolio of companies in various sectors, including DeFi, GameFi, and Web3. Bing Ventures also serves as a Limited Partner of prominent crypto funds, further solidifying its commitment to the industry.

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