Today: June 18, 2024
June 18, 2024
1 min read

$35M Raised by Scoop Analytics in Seed Funding


  • Scoop Analytics, a provider of a business analytics tool, raised $3.5M in Seed funding led by Ridge Ventures.
  • The funding will be used to expand the features of its solution, which empowers users to analyze data and create visual presentations.

In a recent development, Scoop Analytics, a San Francisco-based company, announced that they have successfully raised $3.5M in Seed funding. The round was led by Ridge Ventures, with participation from Engineering Capital and Industry Ventures. Ridge Ventures partner Yousuf Khan will be joining Scoop’s board as a result of the funding. Khan, a former CIO, has been an advisor to early-stage companies such as Material Security, Productiv, and Zoom.

Scoop Analytics, led by CEO Brad Peters and CTO Gabe Jakobson, provides a platform that allows revenue, marketing, and finance operations teams to analyze and take action on different stages of the data lifecycle. The solution, which is fully automated, enables users with spreadsheet skills to extract data from various applications, blend data from different sources, and create visual data stories through slide presentations based on live data to drive business growth.

The funding round will be instrumental in helping Scoop Analytics expand the features of its solution, further enhancing its capabilities and reach in the market. This investment signifies confidence in the company’s vision and the value it provides to businesses looking to leverage data for strategic decision-making.

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